Thursday, March 19, 2009

Open Letter to My Montana Fascist Senators

Senator Baucus and Tester,
You sir have gone too far. You are not worthy to bear the responsibility of the Congress and are an embarrassment to the Republic and a traitor to those who elected you to do right by the Constitution.

Your shenanigans will not go unheard in my community concerning the bail out, stimulus, and budget, and now the attack on a very narrow demographic of citizens you are targeting at AIG. You are using your taxing abilities to punish a group you do not agree with...shameful.

It doesn't matter if those individuals helped ruin AIG by their poor performance. If the government hadn't stuck MY money where it didn't belong and intrude on the private sector, then this would not even be an issue.

Senator Baucus, your statements made on 3/19/2009 in which you state, "We need to find out the answer to this question: What is the highest excise tax we can impose that is sustainable in court?" are irredeemable. So you are going to push the limits of Article I, § 9, of the Constitution and the Taking Clause in order to follow the whims of a populist outrage YOU (Congress & White House) INCITED. What you are really doing is trying to distract from the fact that you SCREWEP UP with the stimulus bill and the budget and Americans are TICKED OFF!.

You are going down in flames and I will do everything in my power to see you do not get reelected.

So, if you don't like what I say are you going to push the legal limit and try to tax me, or take my property, or throw me in jail?

The powers of taxation Congress has, was never given to use as a punitive measure because our framers knew it would be used by tyrants...just like you to punish those you don’t agree with.

Most sincerely you Fascist!
Johnny M Furlong

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