Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Why We are a Christain Based Country

What happens if there is no recognition of a higher authority over man then himself?
Then the only obvious conclusion is that man must get his direction and governance from himself in the form of civil government. But as history sadly reveals, those who would renounce God as the highest authority begin a war on him and those who would desire to believe in him. It begins by the exclusion of religious freedom from individuals in their public life because it might "offend" those who do not believe such nonsense. It then moves to a need to legislate against such people and forbid them from office. Then it moves into controlling what everybody thinks and says so as not to upset the governing powers pursuit of peace and utopia. Then comes the call for individuals not to be armed because it is the governments job to protect you just like they did when they barred religious zealots from practicing their beliefs. Then comes the thought police, then the encampments and jails.
Why does this all happen, because when there is no higher power to get our freedom from, then government is your god and since men are evil by nature, then evil will rule.
Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mussolini...all atheists, all mass murders.
While inevitably, someone will write and say, "what about all the murders in the name of religion?" It must be remembered that not all religions are good ones, because tif hey are invented from the evil hearts of men, thus the same outcome is produced.
However, when you look to the New Testament and find Jesus, who was not politically ambitious, but concerned about reconciling men to God, we find a whole different type of motivating power. The true message of Christ was love and forgiveness and the power through him to love your neighbor as yourself. When these principles are applied, then we have a government that allows men to seek God how they want as long as it does not hurt others pursuing of him, as well and does not hinder that pursuit. You have a government that treats each individual citizen as a special creation of God (even the ones still in the womb) and recognizes all men to be equal. That is the foundation on which this country was established, thus making it Christian based.

1 comment:

Jessa Stephens said...

This is good Bro. Johnny.